Our History


Janet developed a passion for working in aged care when she was the clinical teacher for university students from La Trobe University, RMIT and Victoria University in the late 80’s.

While her students undertook their aged care placements, Janet observed many practices in aged care that did not impress her and which have led to her strong belief that the elderly residents in aged care deserve better.

Janet holds the view that management should take a lead role in making the necessary improvements to deliver quality care and services to our most vulnerable members of the community. Hence Janet, from an acute nursing background, decided to explore the training that was provided in aged care and consequently found a significant gap.

With a view to making a difference to the aged care sector, Janet started by becoming a Director of Nursing, as it is her firm belief that they are the people leading the nursing care needs of our elderly clients in aged care.

Start of a Mission

In 1996, while working as a Director of Nursing, Janet was approached by three international students who had been looking in vain for work for more than six months and had consequently become quite distressed.

Janet agreed to accept them to work in aged care on condition they undertook aged care training. This was imperative, as Janet believed that the elderly residents needed appropriately qualified staff to care for them. Janet saw a need in aged care training and so started a sole trade business called Professional Development Consultants.

The students requested that Janet teach them so, after completing a day’s work, Janet provided formal lectures and placement in aged care in order to develop the students' knowledge and skills, ensuring that at all times they were under supervision. The aged care course was non-award and free of costs to the students. The word spread very quickly and soon Janet was teaching a class of 10-30 students in her own home, three days a week, including weekends. For two years she continued to deliver training free of cost and the job success rate for her students was very high. As Janet had bills to pay she decided to charge a minimal fee to cover her training costs and this continues to date. As the business grew, always with a strong family feel, the name was changed to Lawrence Aged Care and it continued to operate until October 2006.

In November 2006, due to the high percentage of students obtaining jobs, with many going on to university to complete their nursing training, Janet responded to requests from others interested in training and working in aged care to become a registered training organisation, and from that point the name was changed to Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College.

In January 2007 Janet eventually was approved as a recognised training organisation teaching aged care, and she subsequently moved on to the provision of further aged care, community care and health care courses.

In 2014 the Australian Lawrence Aged Care College Trading name became ALACC Health College, Australia. Over the years, as a response to industry demand, courses offered have expanded to Nursing, Disability, English, Early Childhood Education and Care, Pathology, Mental Health, Work Health and Safety, Individual Support, Ageing Support, Community Services, Dental Assisting, Business, Leadership and Management.

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