International Student Guide (Complaints Resolution)

The college has a Complaints/Appeals Policy in place which Management and staff are required to adhere to.
Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College will act upon the subject of any complaint found to be substantiated. Student can appeal against the outcome of a complaint. For more information about the Complaints and Appeal Proecdure Please Check the STUDENT PROSPECTUS (Forms 19 and 20) and/or the Policies and Procedures Manual.


Consumer Affairs

Consumer Affairs Victoria can advise you on a range of issues related to your accommodation, goods you have purchased or service you have received.

If you need further information or advice contact Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 55 81 81 or email.

To speak to an interpreter please call 131 450

Address: 121 Exhibition Street Melbourne 3000
Phone: 1300 55 81 81


Government Departments

You can complain to the Ombudsman about actions, decisions or conduct of staff of Victorian government authorities. These authorities include government departments and statutory bodies, for example, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Justice, local councils, schools, universities and TAFEs.

Call: 1300 362 072* within Australia.
Outside Australia call +61 2 6276 0111.
Enquiries 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (AEST)
Fax: 02 6276 0123 within Australia.
Outside Australia +61 2 6276 0123.
Postal: GPO Box 442 Canberra ACT 2601.

If you want to make a complaint in your language you can. Call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 in Australia, outside Australia call +61 3 9203 4027. They can pay for the interpreter

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