HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid – for Domestic Students

Domestic Students

HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid


This course will give you the right skills and knowledge to confidently provide a first aid response in an emergency situation and manage common first aid injuries and illnesses, in a range of situations, including in the home, workplace or within the community, until the arrival of medical or other assistance.

You will be working with equipment such as adult and infant manikins, AED training devices, first aid kits, placebo devices, different types of wound dressings and bandages, blankets and other items, sample documentation and relevant personal protective equipment.


Online training is available for this course.
Duration and Delivery

This unit of competency is delivered over 18 nominal hours comprising of:
Self-paced pre learning
1 Online Theory via Live webinars*
1 day face to face practical/skills training session
Assessment and assessment assistance.

*With the current pandemic situation, a number of classroom sessions will be delivered online to enhance safety of students and trainers. Practical sessions will be conducted in accordance with relevant safety guidelines, in small groups and with strict infection control practices.

Please note: The course duration may vary for individual students based on their current academic and work experience. All students will be assessed on an individual basis for their ability to meet the course requirements within an extended or reduced time frame.


Classroom based training and online Moodle/ Live webinars

Learning Mode


Off campus: Theory, Self-directed study and assessment (via Moodle and Live webinars)
On campus: Practical/ skills training and assessment (1 Day face to Face )


189 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072

Career Pathways

Participants may wish to undertake advanced or specialised first aid training related to the context of their own work role.

HLTAID012 Provide an emergency first aid in an education and care setting
HLTAID013 Provide first aid in remote or isolated site
HLTAID014 Provide advanced first aid*
HLTAID015 Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy
HLTAID016 Manage First aid services and resources
HLTSS00068 Occupational First Aid Skill Set

*available at ALACC.

Please note: the above list is a recommendation only. The pathway will be dependent on individual student needs, job context and industry trends. ALACC may not offer all the courses listed above.

Qualification Description

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to a casualty in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.

The unit applies to all persons who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings.

Specific licensing/regulatory requirements relating to this competency, including requirements for refresher training should be obtained from the relevant national/state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authorities.

View Course Units

Topics Covered

Please ask us about credit transfers.

Topics covered include:

  • Guidelines and procedures related to provision of first aid
  • Legal, workplace and community considerations
  • Considerations when providing CPR
  • Techniques for providing CPR o adults, children and infants
  • Signs, symptoms and management of different conditions and injuries including:
    • allergic reaction
    • anaphylaxis
    • asthma
    • non-life-threatening and life-threatening bleeding
    • burns
    • cardiac conditions, including chest pain
    • choking
    • diabetes
    • drowning
    • envenomation – all current treatments
    • eye injuries
    • fractures, dislocations, strains and sprains
    • head, neck and spinal injuries
    • hypothermia
    • hyperthermia
    • minor wounds
    • nose-bleed
    • poisoning
    • seizures
    • shock
    • sharps injuries
    • stroke.
Who May Attend

This qualification is beneficial for any person who may

  • Be engaged in direct client/ customer interactions such as health, aged care, pathology collection and disability
  • Be engaged in other workplaces
  • Be members of the public looking for a comprehensive first aid course
  • Wish to review/update knowledge and practical experience

ALACC entry requirements require that applicants must:

  • Be at least 18 years’ old
  • Have satisfactorily completed Year 11 or equivalent

The following are not an entry requirement, but may need to be considered prior to undertaking this course:

  • Basic foundation skills and computer literacy skills may be required for learning activities related to the course. Where relevant, adequate student support is available.
  • Fitness to undertake manual handling tasks: it is a requirement of this course that practical demonstration of CPR must be performed on the floor. Compression and ventilation skills must be demonstrated on resuscitation manikins following ARC guidelines for the purpose of assessment of CPR procedures.

Please note: Proficiency in English is required to meet Industry standards.

Students will be undertaking Pre-Training Review and LLN test prior to enrolment. The LLN test is not an entry requirement, students are asked to undertake the same so appropriate academic support can be ensured throughout the course of study.


Students may be able to shorten the length of their studies through the recognition of past experience and/ or qualifications gained elsewhere. Applications can be made for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer.

These will be assessed according to the college’s policy & procedures to determine if/how much advanced standing will be granted.

This qualification holds National Recognition.


Assessments will be conducted to determine the achievement of competency-based learning outcomes. Assessments may include written activities and practical skills observation and assessment (simulated environment).
Practical assessment will require demonstration of emergency response to simulated first aid incidents in ALACC simulation environment, managing casualties including unconscious breathing casualty, unconscious non-breathing adult and non-breathing infant and other casualties related to common illnesses and conditions (see course outline).

All participants will be required to complete the theory component and the First Aid quiz on Moodle. Once completed, students must attend a one-day practical assessment session to complete the full qualification.

Work Placement

Not applicable

Job Opportunities

Participants will be able to enhance own skills to undertake their existing job role/s and seek better opportunities for employment in their respective industry.

Enquire about this course

Course Fees
ALACC Students
AUD 100.00
Fees: AUD 100.00
Non-ALACC Students
AUD 120.00
Fees: AUD 120.00

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