HLT45021 – Certificate IV in Dental Assisting – for Domestic Students

Domestic Students
International Students

HLT45021 - Certificate IV in Dental Assisting


This qualification reflects the role of workers who provide an advanced level of assistance to dental practitioners which contributes to the quality of oral health care.

The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State or Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.

The key focus of a Dental assistant is to ensure patients are comfortable and experience a high level of care, whilst undergoing treatment. Suited to those with strong communication skills, a caring nature and a willingness to learn, a career in dental assisting presents a number of opportunities within the health sector.

This qualification reflects the role of workers who assist a dentist, dental hygienist, dental prosthetist, dental therapist or oral health therapist during oral health care procedures. Their role includes maintaining high standards of infection control, assisting with practice administration and supporting quality and professionalism in the dental sector.

Online training is available for this course.

This qualification is delivered over a period of 765 hours including 250 hours of practical placement experience. Participants enrolled in this course will have up to 10 months to complete the course requirements while studying for 20 hours per week.

Format - Training and Delivery

This qualification will be delivered using a combination of online-based delivery and other student participation and engagement methods. Students assisted with the self-directed study, assessment assistance and work experience to build on participant’s knowledge and skills on the job.

The theoretical online sessions in the individual units of competency may include participation in skills training and practice training, scenarios and projects, reports, student learner guides, audiovisual aids, and technology as learning tools to build student performance knowledge further. The Training and Assessment ensure that students have adequate time to learn the topics and opportunities for reinforcement and complete and submit challenging tasks required for assessment purposes.

A variety of presentation types may include eLearning resources and classroom-style delivery for those students requiring assistance. Such methods are well suited to present fundamental and theoretical knowledge.

The effectiveness of the training sessions involving student participation is encouraged, including class sizes from 5 to 25 students. These restrictions will maximise trainer/student interaction during training.

This Training and Assessment Strategy ensures that students have adequate time to learn the topics, and opportunities for reinforcement, and complete/submit set tasks required for assessment purposes.

Delivery Location

The online lectures and skills training are delivered at 189 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072.  Practical work placements locations are negotiated with the individual facilities.

Career Pathway

Successful completion of this qualification will enable you to progress to other courses conducted by ALACC, as below. Certificate IV in Dental Assistance involves developing the skills and knowledge that enable you to plan and make informed decisions about your education, training and career choices. Certificate IV in Dental Assisting is in the Health Field of Education.


Health Career Pathway Certificate IV in Dental Assisting is in the Health Field of Education. For more information about this kind of career, you can explore Health. Stream Dental Certificate II Certificate III Dental Assistant Dental Laboratory Assistant Certificate IV Dental Assistant (Practice Administration) Dental Assistant (Radiography). This is only a guide.


You may be interested in combining other qualifications:
We offer the opportunity to combine the qualification with another Qualification by taking an advanced standard and imported units. By taking advance common and imported units, you can complete 2 qualifications for discount rate.

  • Certificate III in Aged Care
  • Certificate IV in Aged Care
  • Certificate IV in Disability
  • Diploma of Mental Health
  • Diploma of Community Services
  • Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
  • Diploma of Quality Auditing
  • Diploma Leadership and Management
  • Advanced Diploma of Leadership Management

Formative and summative assessments will be conducted to determine the achievement of competency-based learning outcomes. Assessments may include student questions, written assignments, case studies, projects, written reports, online workshop attendance practical activities, skills demonstration and job role environment and practical placement environment.

All assessments will be undertaken following the ALACC Assessment policy noted on the website and course handbook. Students will be advised of the assessment requirements at the beginning of each unit. Individual Unit outlines also contain assessment information. As this is a competency-based qualification, assessment continues until the participant achieves competency in the assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.

Refer to the Evidence Gathering Techniques below for required assessment methods.

Note: Details on planning and conducting the assessment along with Assessor and Student Instructions are outlined in the individual Unit Assessment Resource/ Student Learning and Assessment Record Book.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

ALACC has an RPL process outlined in detail in the RPL policy, which recognises the learners’ prior knowledge, experience, and previous qualifications. Details of the RPL process are located in the Student Prospectus policy. The ALACC website is encouraged you to apply if you believe you are eligible.

Applications can be made for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). According to the College’s policy, these will be assessed to determine if and how much-advanced standing will be granted with evidence. The Learner may be able to shorten the length of their studies by recognising experience and qualifications gained elsewhere. Applications can be made via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by completing an online form from the ALACC website or Student Portal.


Credit Transfer

ALACC recognises AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation in Australia. Students may request credit transfer for a unit of competency based on their study at another institution. Please refer to our Credit transfer policy on the ALACC website. Suitable documentation such as a Statement of Attainment, Transcript of results must be provided when applying for Credit Transfer, including a USI transcript. Applications can be made for Credit Transfer (CT) via an online form from the ALACC website or Student Portal.

Practical Work Placements

To achieve this qualification, the learner must have completed at least 210 hours of work placement.

ALACC takes the responsibility to find Practical placements and will negotiate with individual Providers and ensure an Agreement is in place. For security reasons, students cannot undertake their Practical work placements without a valid Agreement between ALACC and the Placement Providers.

Students who wish to use their current place of work if relevant to the course, must discuss with the ALACC course coordinator and provide evidence of current work as per our placement process. An Agreement will be sent to the facility after negotiating with the Placement Provider.

Students going on work placements will be required to provide relevant documentation to enter the facility such as police check, mandatory immunisation and COVID booster vaccination. Students allergic to the latter must provide evidence.

Cancellation of work placements by the student will attract a minimum payment of the administrative cost of $60 unless a medical certificate is provided. The student placement may be delayed to allow time for the Placement coordinator to find another work placement.

Who may attend and role

Students who have completed Certificate III in Dental Assistance may enrol in this qualification for individuals who want to take the role of assisting a dentist, dental hygienist, dental prosthetist, dental therapist, or oral health therapist during oral health care procedures.

Entry to this qualification is open to individuals who want to take the role of workers who assist dental practitioners during oral health care procedures. Their role includes maintaining high standards of infection control, assisting with practice administration and supporting quality and professionalism in the dental sector.

Entry Requirements

ALACC policy requires:

Entry to this qualification is open to individuals who have achieved:

  • HLT31812 Certificate III in Dental Assisting or
  • HLT35015 Certificate III in Dental Assisting or
  • HLT35021 Certificate III in Dental Assisting or


Course Timetable

The Course Timetable is available on Student Learning Portal – Moodle

Please refer to Notifications on Moodle to note if there are any changes made to the timetable when it is updated.

Quality Improvements

Quality activities are designed for Learner feedback, and evaluations will be considered in modifying and improving training and assessment strategies.

Deferring, withdrawing, suspending or cancellation

Refer to related policies on ALACC website, deferring, withdrawing, suspending or cancellation of the course the website including filling in the relevant form from the website or student portal.

Please also refer to the Refund policy on ALACC website. Your application will be assessed according to the policy.

ALACC policies

Refer to ALACC policies related to VET Student Loan, if relevant, domestic student policy and international student policies are available on the ALACC website, or in the student portal, student prospectus, and course information relevant to the specific course being undertaken.


Please enquire about the Scholarship which is offered to learners enrolled in two courses with two or three terms. The second or third course will be the Principle course in which the scholarship is available for the third semester. Conditions apply.

Student Support

Students are encouraged to attend the Orientation session and read the Course Information Handbook before commencing their studies. ALACC offers student support services as per the ALACC Student Support policy on the website.

Employment Job Opportunities

Successful completion of this course may enable you to work as a:

  • Dental Assistant
  • Dental Nurse
Qualification Mapping Information

The new qualification HLT45021 Certificate IV in Dental Assisting supersedes and is not equivalent to HLT45015 Certificate IV in Dental Assisting.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Dental radiography work must only be performed by a person with a radiation user licence granted by the relevant State /Territory regulatory authority under the legislation.

Qualification Structure

Certificate IV in Dental Assisting requires successful completion of eight (8) units comprised of two (2) core units and six (6) elective units. All Group A electives and other electives list selected for award of the Certificate IV in Dental Assisting (Dental Radiography) can be found in the packaging specification in the Health and Community Packages.

Course Units

Please ask us about credit transfers.

Core Units

Sterilise loads
Maintain work health and safety

Elective Units

Apply the principles of radiation biology and protection in dental practice
Prepare to expose a prescribed dental radiographic image
Produce a prescribed dental radiographic image
Implement an oral hygiene program for older people
Implement an oral health promotion program
Use medical terminology in health care

Enquire about this course

Click here to view Course Fees
Full Fee
AUD 6,800.00
Fees: AUD 6,000.00
Registration Fee: AUD 500.00
Materials: AUD 300.00

*Indicative Fees Only - Subject To Change

Government Funding Subsidised Fee (Non-Concession)
AUD 1,200.00
Fees: AUD 500.00
Registration Fee: AUD 500.00
Materials: AUD 200.00

*Indicative Fees Only - Subject To Change

Government Funding Subsidised Fee (Concession)
AUD 170.00
Fees: AUD 100.00
Registration Fee: AUD 50.00
Materials: AUD 20.00

*Indicative Fees Only - Subject To Change

Government Funding Eligibility

To assess your eligibility for government funding please speak to one of our friendly staff or use below link:

Check your eligibility

*Eligible students must: –

  • Present a Green Medicare card
  • Be a Permanent resident in Australia
  • Not have a qualification higher or equal to qualification being applied

For further information please contact our friendly staff

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