CHC43415 – Certificate IV in Leisure and Health – for International Students

Domestic Students
International Students

CHC43415 - Certificate IV in Leisure and HealthCRICOS: 094037J


The CHC43415 – Certificate IV in Leisure and Health is all about improving the well-being of people in our care through programs that are outside clinically-based care plans. This addresses the design, implementation, and monitoring of a collaborative recreational and health-related activities.
It also reflects the role of workers taking part in the process and evaluating leisure and health activities and programs for clients in one or more areas. This course will also prepare for work in completing specialist tasks and functions in residential facilities, clients’ homes and/or community centers. While workers are responsible for their own outputs, work is carried out under direct or indirect supervision within defined Organisational guidelines.

Online training is available for this course.
Duration and Delivery

This qualification is delivered over some period of 1033 nominal hours (which is 1 year 1-month full time for international students and 8 months for local students) comprising of classroom sessions, skills training, self-directed study assessments, practical placement (120 hours) and assessment assistance.


Classroom based training and supervised practical experience in a community and/or residential setting. Students have the choice of organising their Placement at an Approved facility, alternately ALACC will provide assistance.


Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072. Practical placement locations as negotiated by ALACC with individual Providers.

Career Pathway

Successful completion of this qualification will enable you to progress to CHC53415 Diploma of Leisure and Health or to gain employment within community and/or residential setting.

Qualification Description

This qualification reflects the role of workers participating in the design, implementation and evaluation of leisure, health activities and programs for clients in one or more sector areas. Workers may be in residential facilities and/or in community agencies and day centres, completing specialised tasks and functions in relation to leisure and health. While workers are responsible for their own outputs, work is carried out under direct or indirect supervision within defined organisation guidelines.

View Course Units

Who May Attend

This qualification is beneficial for any person who may

  • This qualification is beneficial for any person who may
  • Be actively seeking employment in community and/or residential setting
  • Have no formal qualifications in leisure and health
  • Wish to review/update knowledge and practical experience
  • Be seeking a new career

Students may be able to shorten the length of their studies through the recognition of past experience and/ or qualifications gained elsewhere. Applications can be made for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer.

These will be assessed according to the college’s policy & procedures to determine if/how much advanced standing will be granted.

This qualification holds National Recognition.


The minimum age for eligible applicants is 18 years. Applicants must have successfully completed Year 11 or equivalent.

A proficiency in English equivalent to IELTS 5.5 (Overall) is required for all International applicants.

Although LLN test is not an entry requirement, students are asked to undertake the same so appropriate academic support can be ensured throughout the course of study.

Clinical placements

Practical placements will take place on the completion of the Theory component of Training. The placement hours are two hundred which will be arranged by the college and the students are not required to pay any extra fees for the placement as it is accommodated in the total fee. However, if a student does not attend the placement arranged, then the student will have to pay for the costs set by the clinical placement providers.

A current Police check is mandatory before undertaking placement. Students will be required to self-facilitate this.

Practical placement is a mandatory requirement for satisfactory completion of this qualification. Students have an option of organising their placement with a service provider of their choice subject to ALACC approval, alternatively, ALACC will provide assistance to organise placement.

The college will issue a practical placement letter and agreement only after sighting original Police Check. Students can provide a Statutory Declaration in situations where the police check is delayed.

Student Learning and Assessment Resource Book 2 outlines the practical placement requirements.

Refer to the ALACC Work Placement policy for details.

Classroom based training and supervised practical experience in a community and/or residential setting. Students have the choice of organising their Placement at an Approved facility, alternately ALACC will provide assistance.


Assessments will be conducted to determine the achievement of competency-based learning outcomes. Assessments may include student questions, case study/ scenarios, practical skills observation and assessment (simulated environment/ practical placement).

Occupational Titles

Occupational titles may include Activities officer, Community leisure officer, Disability officer – day support, Diversional therapy assistant, Leisure officer, Recreation activities officer.

Course Units

Please ask us about credit transfers.

Core Units

Use communication to build relationships
Work with diverse people
Work effectively in the leisure and health industries
Contribute to leisure and health programming
Participate in the planning, implementation and monitoring of individual leisure and health programs
Participate in planning leisure and health programs for clients with complex needs
Incorporate lifespan development and sociological concepts into leisure and health programming
Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Confirm physical health status
Follow safe work practices for direct client care

Elective Units

Facilitate the empowerment of older people
Provide support to people living with dementia
Provide individualised support
Support independence and well being
Support relationships with carers and families
Support community participation and social inclusion
Respond effectively to behaviours of concern

Enquire about this course

Click here to view Course Fees
International Fee
Applying for Student Visa 
AUD 12,500.00
Fees: AUD 12,000.00
Registration Fee: AUD 300.00
Materials: AUD 200.00

*Indicative Fees Only - Subject To Change

International Fee
Not Applying For Student Visa – Temporary Visa Holders 
AUD 2,400.00
Fees: AUD 1,900.00
Registration Fee: AUD 300.00
Materials: AUD 200.00

**evidence of current visa required prior to enrolment

*Indicative Fees Only - Subject To Change

Please note that any Overseas student in Australia on student visa is only allowed to study with CRICOS registered provider, such as our college.  If you are already studying another course, please contact our friendly staff to understand your options.

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